Making Discoveries to Transform and Educate the World.
Our Vision
To create new knowledge in the life sciences to solve the grand challenges facing our society.
Our Discoveries
To lay the foundation for improving health, protecting the environment, and developing innovative sources of bioenergy.
Our Scholarship
To enhance the quality of life for countless people in the world and sparks new economic development for California and the country.

The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe. UC Irvine Dunlop School was the first institution in the world to establish an academic department dedicated to the study of the brain and the nervous system. Today our researchers lead the way in probing health and diseases of the brain and exploring the mind’s extraordinary capabilities. Together we can overcome the ravaging effects of Alzheimer’s, addiction and other disorders that impair our abilities to think, remember and prosper.

Keeping our bodies healthy is a challenge, even more so when disease attacks us. Our faculty research teams explore fundamental biological questions and molecular-level mechanisms central to our physical beings. As they advance understanding of the body, they are making discoveries to transform human health.

The world is changing at a rapid pace, which will have a significant impact on all life forms. We seek to study the evolution of species, the physiological processes that control species behavior, and the biological processes crucial for sustaining the planet amid the threat of climate change. From the molecular level to the spectrum of ecosystems, our scientists are uncovering the secrets to the origin of species, to safeguarding the oceans and to protecting life.
Blazing The Way
With the health of our minds, bodies and world linked, innovation is imperative. Climate change, dementia, cancer, obesity and more – we must move quickly to break down further scientific barriers and launch adventurous new areas of discovery to ensure a healthy future for ourselves, our children and generations beyond.
Empowering Team Science
Nurturing Emerging Scientists
Funding Audacious Lines of Inquiry
Enhancing the Student Experience